Tag Archives: inclusion

Colombian visiting researcher co-authors methodological article

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By Oscar Odena. A visiting researcher hosted in 2015, Andrea Rodríguez-Sánchez, has co-authored a methodological article with Odena (Robert Owen Centre) and Cabedo-Mas (University Jaume I, Spain) on the uses of sound postcards for researching the experiences of displaced people. The article draws on a pilot with ten participants and outlines the development of a… Continue reading

ESRC IAA funding for Robert Owen Centre

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Post by Oscar Odena. A grant from the Economic Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (ESRC IAA) has been awarded to ‘Music Education for Integration’ (Odena PI, 2016-2017). The funds will support a programme of activities aimed at enhancing practitioners’ and education stakeholders’ understanding of music as a tool for integration locally, nationally and internationally.… Continue reading

Supervisors to mentor ESL students

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By Oscar Odena. The trend of English as Second Language (ESL) students to come to established English-speaking universities is on the increase, particularly to enrol on research degree programmes. With their new research skills many will aim to bring about educational change in their countries after completion. Developing academic writing is a crucial skill for… Continue reading

Tackling educational inequity: between and beyond school improvement

Published on: Author: Mark Murphy 1 Comment

By Chris Chapman Traditionally, we have focused on change within schools. This has delivered some returns: at worst – tactically ratcheting up test scores at the expense of capacity building and at best – increasing schools’ capacity to manage change for the longer term. In addition, improving the learning level is crucial and within-school approaches… Continue reading

Advancing ‘race’ and ethnicity in educational research

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By Oscar Odena and Richard Race. There is a prevailing sense that the term ‘race’, used in the past to highlight difference based on perceived ability and temperament, is no longer acceptable. ‘Race’ issues appear to be currently off the policy agenda, subsumed into ‘social justice’, ‘inclusion’ and ‘ethnicity’ topics. However ‘race’ is still a… Continue reading

Owen, music and inclusion

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By Oscar Odena. Robert Owen’s vision of education for all outlined the importance of arts education for personal development as well as for community cohesion. His vision of education comprised not just reading and writing but aesthetic appreciation, music and dancing, in order to achieve everybody’s holistic development and a sense of inclusion. His New… Continue reading