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Seminar: ‘Research, collaboration and inspection: towards a research-informed system’.

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Professor Daniel Muijs, Head of Research, OfSTED will present on: In an increasingly complex public service landscape, in which the demands on educators are increasing, while simultaneously the context they are working in becomes more complex, it is ever more essential that we use evidence-informed approaches that are best suited to addressing these challenges. In this… Continue reading

First Formal Report of the International Council of Education Advisors

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The International Council of Education Advisers (ICEA) has made 19 recommendations to further strengthen the Scottish education system. Overall the council is supportive of the direction that Scotland’s reforms are taking, and it commends the core ambition of raising achievement and ensuring every child has an equal chance to succeed, regardless of their background. In… Continue reading

The gender ‘gap’ in attainment: Dr Val Corry

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In May 2018 Dr Corry, School of Education, University of Glasgow, presented a seminar to some of the staff and students of the School of Education. The presentation is available here: ‘The gender gap in attainment’ Val explored the findings of her doctoral research, which set out to find an explanation for the gendered gap in attainment. Her research… Continue reading

Collaborative Action Research in Argyll and Bute

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by Stuart Hall Senior Researcher ROC On a sunny afternoon in June I attended a presentation of Collaborative Action Research (CAR)[1] projects from four Argyll and Bute schools in Colgrain Primary School in Helensburgh. An invited audience of councillors, local authority staff from Argyll and Bute, Highland and Moray councils as well as teaching staff… Continue reading

The Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change provides expert evidence to the Education and Skills Committee’s Poverty and Attainment Inquiry

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The Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change draws on its own research and the wider evidence to provide written evidence to the Poverty and Attainment Inquiry. Please see the Education and Skills Committee response ROC for ROC’s written evidence. Please see for the agenda and full set of papers.    

Robert Owen Centre EBulletin Issue 6 February 2018

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Our latest E Bulletin can be accessed by clicking on the link below – this has details on our latest research, recent awards and appointments, recent publications and some of our knowledge exchange activities: Ebulletin Issue-6 February 2018 As you can gather it’s been another highly productive and rewarding period for the Robert Owen Centre. You will find the previous bulletin here:… Continue reading

ESRC-SDS project begins

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By Oscar Odena. Applications for the ESRC-SDS PhD Studentship at Robert Owen Centre were invited internationally through and the recruitment process completed earlier in 2017 – see post from March 29 for grant details. The successful candidate, Petri Simonen, started a four-year program of research in October 2017 (one-year MRes followed by a three-year… Continue reading

The orthodox and the critical approaches to TVET in international development: competing policy agendas in Chile.

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Seminar: Dr Oscar Valiente, Senior Lecturer (School of Education: Robert Owen Centre), University of Glasgow Drawing on development theories and critical policy studies, the paper aims to understand the competing orientations and objectives of TVET policy agendas in Chile from 2009 to 2016 with a specific focus on the changing educational, economic and social goals… Continue reading

The Regional Governance of Skills Supply and Demand in Scotland: Glasgow City, Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire

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Seminar by: Dr Queralt Capsada-Munsech, Postdoctoral Researcher (School of Education: Robert Owen Centre), University of Glasgow The skills agenda has been growing in the UK, strengthening the focus on youth skills given the raise of youth unemployment. So far, most of the analyses on the governance of skills system and the skills (mis)matches have been… Continue reading