Tag Archives: research

‘A truly postmodern condition’: The unintended side-effects of global education rankings

Published on: Author: Mark Murphy Leave a comment

[image (c) Rob Ketcherside] Post By Barbara Kehm When the invitation came (in January 2013) to give a presentation at the 5th International Conference on World Class Universities in Shanghai to celebrate 10 years of Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Class Universities I felt very honoured. But I was also in a split… Continue reading

Some challenges of practice-centred research

Published on: Author: oscarodena Leave a comment

By Oscar Odena. Finding a methodological approach within which to work is not straightforward for practitioner-researchers engaged in enquiry aimed at educational change. Practitioner-researcher projects often (but not always) have a qualitative orientation, focussing on a limited number of participants and allowing for an in-depth analysis of particular cases and interactions. These projects tend to… Continue reading

The challenge of accessing data: My PhD journey so far, Part 2

Published on: Author: nighetriaz 1 Comment

[cover image (c) Phillippa Willetts] By Nighet Riaz THIS is a follow-up to my recent post on the website socialtheoryapplied – to access the first part of this post click here). The research for my PhD was originally designed as an ethnographic study. I wanted to be part of delivering the intervention in order to… Continue reading

Does educational research matter? Response to BERA

Published on: Author: Mark Murphy 1 Comment

[front image (c) F. Jourde] This is the question posed in a recent briefing document produced by BERA (29th August 2013), entitled Why education research matters. The briefing document is designed to inform future funding decisions and details a range of case studies to illustrate the importance of education research and its success in impacting… Continue reading