By Oscar Odena. Applications for the ESRC-SDS PhD Studentship at Robert Owen Centre were invited internationally through jobs.ac.uk and the recruitment process completed earlier in 2017 – see post from March 29 for grant details. The successful candidate, Petri Simonen, started a four-year program of research in October 2017 (one-year MRes followed by a three-year PhD). In the coming months, he will be associated with the Horizon 2020 project YOUNG_ADULLLT – Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe (www.young-adulllt.eu), which is a European funded project run by a consortium of 12 universities from 9 countries. Petri will join the Glasgow team and participate in their research on lifelong learning (LLL) policies and their effects on young people in Scotland (http://young-adulllt-scotland.org/). The specific objective of the PhD will be to elucidate how LLL policies support young adults in their life courses by investigating who are the key influencers and how they manage to influence young adult decisions, and what are the intended and unintended effects of this influence on their learning and career choices. Petri is being supervised by Oscar Valiente and Oscar Odena. The photo above was taken at the November team meeting, from left to right: Oscar Valiente (PI), Petri Simonen, Oscar Odena and Queralt Capsada (Postdoctoral RA).
[image by Stuart Hall]