Dr Val Corry, University of Glasgow, Associate Tutor (Creativity Culture and Faith)
Val will explore the findings of her doctoral research, which set out to find an explanation for the gendered gap in attainment. Her research is based on empirical evidence gathered from case studies carried out in three Scottish secondary schools. She will also draw from the policy context as well as key studies commissioned by Scottish Government and other governments (notably, UK, Wales and Australia). Val will explore the application of her findings to policy, and practice related to gender in schools, to effect change and improvement in education.
Val’s paper The gender ‘gap’ in attainment: the Scottish policy perspective, published
in Scottish Educational Review can be accessed at www.scotedreview.org.uk/media/schools/social-sciences/2016_49-1_May_04_Corry.pdf
Val’s thesis Academically able boys’ perceptions of their learning: a grounded theory analysis is also available online: http://theses.gla.ac.uk/8094/.
Tuesday 1st May, 12:00 – 13:00
Room 230 St. Andrew’s Building
11 Eldon St. Glasgow G3 6NH
How can this seminar be accessed?
Hello Janice,
For lunchtime seminars people usually attend in person and we don’t tend to record them. If you wish I can pass your contact details onto Dr Corry so that she can contact you. She may be able to send the presentation to you.
Kind regards,
Patricia Wallace