A grant from the British Council has been awarded to Michele Schweisfurth and Oscar Odena at the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, to carry out the global Impact Evaluation of the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms Programme (2016-2018). As part of a team led by Ecorys, Michele and Oscar will support the design of data gathering tools, data collection across UK jurisdictions and report writing. Ecorys will lead data collection across the regions where the programme operates overseas: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, East Asia, and Middle East and North Africa.
Connecting Classrooms is the British Council’s flagship international education programme, delivered in partnership with the UK Department for International Development. The programme aims to help young people develop the values, knowledge and skills, including creativity and problem solving, to live and work in a globalised economy, and make a positive contribution locally and globally. The previous phase of Connecting Classrooms (2012-2015) focused on building global awareness and cross-cultural learning amongst young people and enabled over 18,000 teachers around the world to benefit from professional development activities.
[Photo: Children. Public Domain via Pixabay]